Friday, March 12, 2010

Restaurant person lives to talk about his experience .

I am ready to spill my ample gut .Much of my life's experience has been involved in working in and owning restaurants . My commitment has left me with few friends and time for parties , weddings , funerals and other of life's events that others take for granted . No complaints but I want to talk about my experiences past and present .Certainly , I am no Anthony Bourdain (especially in cooking or journalistic skill ) working under the white hot glare of New York City . My work has been done in the relative obscurity of the Seattle suburb of Renton , it has had its benefits though . One of those has been coming to the realization that people not food are the most important facet of the business . Don't get me wrong , we all know the food matters , I am painfully aware of this when I sometimes put up with some abuse to satisfy a particular craving . What makes a restaurant work are its people , their culture the restaurants culture and the resulting community that surrounds , supports and is sustained by it .

A sense of humor and integrity are as valuable as cooking skills and wine knowledge in my restaurant world . Let me show you around .